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2019年6月英语四级听力原文解析 2019-06-20 16:30:39来源:新东方在线 【好课】 新东方英语四级精品课 | 【优惠】四级名师网课 | 四级名师免费课 【考试报名】 英语四级报名时间|入口 | 英语四级考试时间 | 英语四级考试流程 【四级备考】 英语四级重点词汇表 英语四级阅读理解100篇精析





  News Report 1

  France is facing potentially more than one billion dollars and lost revenue this year, due to huge declines in tourism. Safety concerns have been one of the biggest reasons why the country has lost over half a billion in revenue already in the first six months of 2016. The terror attacks in Paris last November, were called Europe’s worst in the past decade besides violence, workers strikes and heavy floods are said to have also been why international tourists have stayed away. So far in the Paris region there’s been a forty six percent decline in Japanese visitors, thirty five percent fewer Russians and twenty seven percent fewer Italians.

  American travelers seemed the least affected. Their numbers have only dropped by roughly five percent. According to the French government, the country is the number one tourist destination in the world, and tourism is extremely important to the French economy. The sector represents roughly nine percent of its GDP. The Headof Paris’s Tourism Board said: “It's time that the tourism sector is going through an industrial disaster.”

  Question1:What counts most for the huge declines in tourism in France?

  1.A)Heavy floods.B)Safety concerns.C)Bad economy.D)Workers’ strikes.


  根据Safety concerns have been one of the biggest reasons why the country has lost over half a billion in revenue already in the first six months of 2016. 以及后面的The terror attacks in Paris last November, were called Europe's worst in the past decade可以得知答案是B)Safety concerns

  Question2:What do we learn from the report about tourism in France?

  2.A)It is competitive with its numerous tourist destinations.

  B)It provides many job opportunities for French people.

  C)It is the biggest concern of the French government.

  D)It plays an important role in the nation’s economy.


  由According to the French government, the country is the number one tourist destination in the world, and tourism is extremely important to the French economy.得知旅游业对法国很重要。 D)It plays an important role in the nation’s economy.

  News Report 2

  A small plane with two sick U.S. workers arrived safely in Chile late Wednesday after leaving Antarctica in a daring rescue mission from a remote South Pole research station.

  After making a stop for a few hours at a British station on the edge of Antarctica, the two workers were flown to the southernmost Chilean city of Punta Arenas. In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers at the U.S Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.

  The two patients aboard will be transported to a medical facility that can provide a level of care that is not available at Amundsen-Scott, says a spokesperson. Normally planes don't go to the polar post from February to October because of the dangers of flying in the pitch-dark and cold.

  “Antarctica creates a hostile environment,” says the operations director for the British Antarctic Survey, “if you are not careful, it’ll come around and bite you.”

  Question3: What was the small plane’s mission to Antarctica?

  3.A)To carry out a scientific survey.

  B)To establish a new research station.

  C)To rescue two sick American workers.

  D)To deliver urgent medical supplies.


  由新闻开头A small plane with two sick U.S. workers arrived safely in Chile late Wednesday after leaving Antarctica in a daring rescue mission from a remote South Pole research station.可知答案为 C)To rescue two sick American workers.

  新闻的开头句一直是Part I 考察的重点,快速理解并抓住新闻中心意思是平时需要多锻炼的能力。

  Question4: What makes flying to Antarctica dangerous from February to October?

  4.A)The darkness and cold.

  B)The heavy snow and fog.

  C)The biting winds.

  D)The ice all around.


  由Normally planes don't go to the polar post from February to October because of the dangers of flying in the pitch-dark and cold.可知答案为A)The darkness and cold.本题涉及同义转换,但是抓住关键词dark and cold。也可以判断出答案。

  News Report 3

  A pilot from Virginia removed his son's loose tooth using a helicopter. Rick Rahim from Virginia flies helicopters for a living, and when his seven year old son’s tooth became loose he did not waste time by tying it to a door handle.

  Instead, Mr. Rahim tied one end of a string around his son’s tooth, and the other end to his full-sized commercial helicopter. The father of four posted video clip of his playful venture on Facebook, advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.

  The video shows him launching the helicopter into the air and flying just far enough to successfully remove the loose tooth. At the end of the video, Mr. Regime assures watches that the circumstances were safe, and that he has 13 years of helicopter flying experience behind him.

  “You've got to do everything safe in life, and that's what I did today,” he said. Mr. Rahim later said that although some parents have used remote control helicopters to pull teeth before, he might be the first to use a full-sized aircraft, as he can't find evidence that it has been done before.

  Question 5:How did Rick Rahim remove his son's loose tooth?

  5.A)By tying it to a door handle.

  B)By shaking it back and forth.

  C)With a remote control craft.

  D)With a full-sized helicopter.


  由开头第一句A pilot from Virginia removed his son's loose tooth using a helicopter. 判断是和helicopter有关。后面Instead, Mr. Rahim tied one end of a string around his son’s tooth, and the other end to his full-sized commercial helicopter.补充了信息是full-sized helicopter。确定答案是D)With a full-sized helicopter.

  Question 6:What does the news reports say about Rick Rahim?

  6. A)He has lots of fans on Facebook.

  B)He has rich experience in flying.

  C)He often suffers from toothaches.

  D)He has learned to pull teeth from a video.


  音频第二句Rick Rahim from Virginia flies helicopters for a living,…. 以及开头第一句中的pilot,都可以判断出答案是B)He has rich experience in flying. 但是这道题对于平时习惯在选项中找相同信息的考生来说略有难度,因为需要从音频中推断出信息,也属于同义转换。

  Question 7:What did Rick Rahim advise parents to do with their kids?

  7.A)Spend more time together.

  B)Tell them adventure stories.

  C)Do something fun and creative.

  D)Play with them in a safe place.


  由The father of four posted video clip of his playful venture on Facebook, advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.可知答案为C)Do something fun and creative. 音频中原句。

  Conversation 1

  W: Hi, Emma speaking. Who's this?

  M: Hi, Emma, I'm Paul from Hermes Delivery Service. Here's a package for you. Are you at home to collect it?

  W: Oh, sorry, Paul. I’m out of the moment. Can you put it in my mailbox?

  M: I'm afraid I can't do that. Sorry, the package is too big, and it needs a signature to confirm you have received it. So I would need to deliver it at a time when you're in.

  W: Okay, well, I'm out all day today, but I should be in tomorrow morning before I go out for lunch. And then I'll be at home again later in the afternoon. Will either of those times be convenient for you?

  M: They are not unfortunately, I'm sorry. I won't be in the area tomorrow as I have some other deliveries to make on the other side of town. I could come the day after, if that suits you.

  W: Okay, yes, that should be fine. I have a friend coming round in the afternoon, but I'll be at home. So the day after tomorrow will be great. Do I need to pay for the package?

  M: No, you don't. It says here that you pay for it when you ordered it online.

  W: Oh, yes, I did. I got mixed up.

  M: So you just need to sign the form to say you’ve received it.

  W: Ok, great. See you the day after tomorrow then.

  M: Yes. See you then

  Question 8 Why is the man making the phone call?

  8.A)To confirm an urgent appointment.

  B)To collect a package from the woman.

  C)To ask the woman to sign a document.

  D)To arrange the delivery of a package.


  男士第一次说话就交代了自己的身份是快递员,要给女士送包裹M: Hi, Emma, I'm Paul from Hermes Delivery Service. Here's a package for you. Are you at home to collect it?

  Question 9 Why can't the woman meet the man today?

  9.A)She is doing shopping.

  B)She is visiting a friend.

  C)She is not at home.

  D)She is not feeling well.


  由女士的W: Oh, sorry, Paul. I’m out of the moment. Can you put it in my mailbox?可知她此时并不在家。答案为 C)She is not at home.

  Question 10 Why is the man unable to see the woman tomorrow?

  10.A)He will be off duty the whole day.

  B)He will be working somewhere else.

  C)He will have to have his car repaired.

  D)He will be too busy to spare and time.


  由M: They are not unfortunately, I'm sorry. I won't be in the area tomorrow as I have some other deliveries to make on the other side of town. I could come the day after, if that suits you.可推断出男士明天要在别的地方工作。答案为B)He will be working somewhere else.

  Question 11 What should the woman do to receive her purchase?

  11.A)Sign her name.

  B)Confirm online.

  C)Pay a small fee.

  D)Show up in person.


  在开头 M: I'm afraid I can't do that. Sorry, the package is too big, and it needs a signature to confirm you have received it.已经提到过男士需要女士的签名,而在最后男士又强调了需要签名M: So you just need to sign the form to say you’ve received it.所以答案为A)Sign her name.

  Conversation Two

  M: Hi, Emily! I hear you're leaving for Italy soon. Do you plan to have a going-away party before you disappear? It’ll be really nice for us to hang out together before you go.

  W: I'm not sure. I'm leaving in just two more days, and I'm going to miss all my friends here and especially this place. Why don't you come over? I'm feeling rather sad, actually.13I'm currently sitting alone at a table outside the Black Cat Cafe, listening to the rain and watching people passing by.

  M: I am sorry. I can't just now. I need to get this assignment finished by Monday, and I'm way behind. Anyhow, cheer up! You're not leaving for good. And you'll absolutely love Italy.

  W: Yeah, you're right. But I just feel like I'm not quite ready to go. And studying in a foreign country seems a bit overwhelming.12

  M: Just think of your life in Milan. In the mornings, you can go down to a small local cafe, soaking up the suns rays and drinking coffee. I envy you. You can buy lots of gorgeous Italian clothes.

  W: That does sound nice. And of course I can keep in touch with everyone through Facebook. Maybe you can all come visit me.

  M: Of course we will. When is your flight?

  W: On Saturday, after lunch, at 1:45.

  M: Okay, I'll try and come to the airport on Saturday to see you off. I'll give you a call that morning, no matter what.

  Question 12 What is the woman going to do?

  12.A)Vacation in Italy.

  B)Study abroad.

  C)Throw a farewell party.

  D)Go to a fashion show in Milan.


  由W: Yeah, you're right. But I just feel like I'm not quite ready to go. And studying in a foreign country seems a bit overwhelming.中studying in a foreign country可以判断答案是B)Study abroad.同义转换

  Question 13 How does the woman feel at the moment?

  13.A)Quite sleepy.

  B)Very excited.

  C)Rather depressed.

  D)Nearly exhausted.


  在对话开头女士对男士倾诉I'm feeling rather sad, actually.和答案C)Rather depressed. 意思相同。

  Question 14 Why can't the man meet the woman now?

  14.A)He has to attend a party.

  B)He has to meet a friend.

  C)He has to make a presentation.

  D)He has to finish an assignment.


  对话开头女士心情低落,想让男士现在过来,男士表示自己由作业没做完M: I am sorry. I can't just now. I need to get this assignment finished by Monday, and I'm way behind. Anyhow, cheer up! You're not leaving for good. And you'll absolutely love Italy.答案为D)He has to finish an assignment.材料中原句。

  Question 15 What will the man possibly do on Saturday?

  15.A)Say goodbye to the woman at the airport.

  B)Meet the woman at the Black Cat Cafe.

  C)Drive the Woman to the airport.

  D)Have lunch with the woman.


  对话最后M: Okay, I'll try and come to the airport on Saturday to see you off. I'll give you a call that morning, no matter what.可以推断男士有可能出现在机场,而不是开车送女士去机场。答案是A)Say goodbye to the woman at the airport.

  Passage One

  Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. The mountain has been in a state of near continuous eruption for half of a million years. Exploring the Etna geographical area reveals a history written in fire. Before the eruptions, it was covered by forests of pine trees.

  Located in southern Italy, Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe. However, its height often changes when volcanic material accumulates during eruptions and subsequently collapses. Few volcanoes in the world have an eruption history so thoroughly documented by historical records. Etna’s eruption history dates back as far as 1500 BC. Some two hundred eruptions have been recorded down through the centuries, but compared with other volcanoes, most of its eruptions have so far been fairly light in terms of death and destruction. Only about one hundred deaths have been attributed to the volcano. The mountain hasn't been entirely harmless, however. In 1928, it destroyed the town of Mascali.

  Over the centuries, Etna’s lowest slopes have been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts. Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage. Large mammals once wandered the volcano slopes, but today, foxes, wild cats, rabbits and mice are more common. Some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles.

  Question 16: What does the speaker say about Mount Etna?

  16.A) It has kept growing over the centuries.

  B) Its top is hidden in clouds of volcanic smoke.

  C) Its height changes with each volcanic eruption.

  D) It has a recorded history of 1500 years.


  由However, its height often changes when volcanic material accumulates during eruptions and subsequently collapses.可知Mount Etna的高度是经常变化,可不是持续长高。答案C) Its height changes with each volcanic eruption.

  Question 17: What do we learn about the lower slopes of Mount Etna?

  17.A) They are now a tourist destination.

  B) They attract a lot of migrating birds.

  C) They provide shelter for the farmers.

  D) They make good fields for farming.


  由Over the centuries, Etna’s lowest slopes have been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts.中同义替换可知答案为D) They make good fields for farming.而不是保护农民。

  Question 18: What does the speaker say about big birds like golden eagles at Mount Etna?

  18.A) They nest on the volcano’s slopes.

  B) They feed on certain small mammals.

  C) They compete with each other for food.

  D) They match large mammals in strength.


  文章最后 Large mammals once wandered the volcano slopes, but today, foxes, wild cats, rabbits and mice are more common. Some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles.中help to sustain 对应答案 B) They feed on certain small mammals. 中的feed on

  Passage Two

  My name is Brandon Leonard, and I'm an author, magazine writer, filmmaker and public speaker. I'm self-employed, which means I work for myself and I do what I love. We have a popular scene in America which goes, “Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.” But I'm here to tell you that instead of focusing on doing what we love, I think we should focus on loving what we do.

  In my line of work, you’ll hear a lot about talent, which is an idea we mostly invented to give ourselves an excuse to be lazy. Here's why: if you see someone doing something really well, you would say it's because they are talented. You think they are somehow special. You discount the tremendous amount of work they've done to get to where they are.

  Research has shown that talent is nothing without hard work. I choose to believe in hard work, but not so much in talent. There are no special people, just people who put in enough hard work until something special happens. I can promise you one thing: whatever you choose to do for a career, if you work hard at it, eventually special things will happen. They may not happen as quickly as you'd like them too, and they may turn out to be completely different from the special things you imagined at the beginning, but they will happen.

  Question 19: What do we learn about the speaker?

  19.A) He is self-employed.

  B) He is a career advisor.

  C) He studies talent.

  D) He owns a magazine.


  开头I'm self-employed, which means I work for myself and I do what I love.直接说明了,答案是同义转换A) He is self-employed.

  Question 20: What is the speaker’s advice to his audience?

  20.A) Doing what they like best.

  B) Loving the work they do.

  C) Making no excuses for failures.

  D) Following their natural instinct.


  材料中原句But I'm here to tell you that instead of focusing on doing what we love, I think we should focus on loving what we do.但是容易与前面speaker说的 I do what I love.混淆,考察考生的理解能力和反应能力。答案为B) Loving the work they do.

  Question 21: What does the speaker say about talent?

  21.A) It does not come to anything without hard work.

  B) It may prove to be quite different from hard work.

  C) It is a natural gift only some special people can possess.

  D) It does not come to you until something special happens.


  从Research has shown that talent is nothing without hard work. 和I can promise you one thing: whatever you choose to do for a career, if you work hard at it, eventually special things will happen.可知答案为A) It does not come to anything without hard work.

  Passage Three

  A question we often ask others and are also frequently asked by others is “What do you normally do after school or work?” Some commonplace answers are, “Well, I go to the gym.” “Um, I just go home and watch TV.” “I meet my friends for dinner.” or “I just go to bed because it's so late and I’m tired.” Unlike any of these typical responses, I’m proud to say that I love to dance salsa after a long and tiring day of work.

  Salsa is a kind of dancing that evolved in the mid 1970s in New York. My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing. So she enrolled me into a ballet course when I was six. I fell in love with it instantly and continued with ballet dancing for about ten years.

  Then, I left my native country of New Zealand to start my career as an English teacher, which eventually brought my dancing life to a halt. It wasn't until I rediscovered salsa in a lovely studio while working in Asia that I renewed my passion for dancing. Since then, I have been trying to attend dancing classes twice a week after work. It's a great way for me to relieve stress and pressure and dance my way towards feeling energetic and happy again.

  Question 22: What does the speaker say about the dance, salsa?

  22.A) It is a bit difficult to learn.

  B) It was popular in New Zealand.

  C) It is a traditional type of ballet.

  D) It evolved in the mid-1970s.


  Salsa is a kind of dancing that evolved in the mid 1970s in New York.材料中原句,可知答案为D) It evolved in the mid-1970s.

  Question 23: Why did the speakers’ mother enroll her in a ballet course?

  23.A) She wanted her to be a ballet dancer.

  B) She used to be a ballet dancer herself.

  C) She hated to see her idling about.

  D) She was too busy to look after her.


  由My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing. So she enrolled me into a ballet course when I was six.可知speaker的母亲生病并且不愿意看到她放了学之后到处闲逛所以把她送去学芭蕾舞。答案为C) She hated to see her idling about. idle游手好闲

  Question 24: When did the speaker’s dancing life come to a halt?

  24.A) After she started teaching English.

  B) Before she left for New Zealand.

  C) When she moved to New York city.

  D) Once she began to live on her own.


  Then, I left my native country of New Zealand to start my career as an English teacher, which eventually brought my dancing life to a halt.原句,可知答案为A) After she started teaching English.

  Question 25: In what way has salsa dancing benefited the speaker?

  25.A) It has renewed her passion for life.

  B) It has made her happy and energetic.

  C) It has helped her make new friends.

  D) It has enabled her to start a new career


  材料组后原句 It's a great way for me to relieve stress and pressure and dance my way towards feeling energetic and happy again.可知答案为B) It has made her happy and energetic.









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